Back in August 2017, a small but determined group of people landed in New York City on a mission to see if there was
any possibility for raising ethical funding to potentially help tackle the nightmare scenario developing in Ireland,
specifically with the involvement of the Vulture Funds.
Turns out there is, but you need to demonstrate, amongst other things, a definitive “political will” in order to secure it.
That, believe it or not, has proved to be one of the most difficult things to find, with some notable exceptions,
in this politically captured little country of ours… (more)
Affordable Housing and Fair Mortgage
Bill 2018
The Bill is aiming to introduce legislative measures to help challenge evictions unless the Court is satisfied about:
(a) the mortgagor’s distressed loan being offered to an ethical fund and/or not-for-profit organisation and reasons why, if any, that this approach was declined;
(b) its judicial examination for unfair terms;
(c) the question of appropriateness of eviction in the circumstances (i.e. proportionality);
and finally
(d) the availability of suitable alternative accommodation within a reasonable locale before an Execution Order is granted.
"Time to get off the fence, Micheál"

Ethical Funding
Potential investors in an alternative platform to Vulture Funds have been identified, structures have been created. Right2Homes is prepared to facilitate the launch of an all-island ethical fund to purchase tranches of distressed loans from Ireland's banks.
The Affordable Housing and Fair Mortgage Bill aims to help challenge evictions unless the borrowers rights have been fully examined and suitable alternative accommodation is arranged before an Execution Order granted.
Right2Homes is apolitical. It is not aligned to any particular group or party. However, by 2013 it was clear that government was not driving an adequate response to the emerging housing crisis. We seek to encourage citizens to join us in appealing directly to their TDs and Senators.
Constitutional Challenge
Numerous groups, organisations & individuals saw the hastily enacted Land and Conveyancing Law Reform Act of 2013 as little more than an “eviction bill”. Right2Homes has launched the challenge and seeks to secure the necessary funding to move forward.